Operation & Maintenance (O&M)
The efficient Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of oil and gas production facilities
crucial for ensuring safe, reliable, and cost-effective production throughout their lifecycle.
Here’s an overview of O&M services ALTECH Solutions provide in this sector:
1. Operational Planning and Coordination
crucial for ensuring safe, reliable, and cost-effective production throughout their lifecycle.
Here’s an overview of O&M services ALTECH Solutions provide in this sector:
1. Operational Planning and Coordination
- Developing detailed operational plans and schedules
- Coordinating the activities of various departments and teams
- Monitoring the execution of production tasks
- Scheduled preventive maintenance (inspections, diagnostics, calibrations)
- Advanced
- Unscheduled corrective maintenance (fault rectification)
- Modernization and replacement of worn-out equipment
- Purchasing necessary consumables and spare parts
- Timely delivery and proper storage of materials
- Monitoring critical component inventory levels
- Implementing measures to prevent accidents and incidents
- Conducting regular training and safety briefings for personnel
- Continuous monitoring of compliance with standards and regulations